Thursday, October 13, 2011

Introverts and Extroverts, a baker's journal log

They say there are two types of  people: Introverts and Extroverts. This week I learned that this holds true for ingredients as well. Introverted ingredients are very moist, keep their moisture, and also tend to draw in more moisture. Examples of which include honey, fruit and veggie pieces and purees like apple sauce. Extroverted ingredients are dry and expel moisture. One example being cornmeal.

My terms are ones I have arrived at for my own learning and understanding. A technical terms describing the water attracting property of honey is 'hygroscopic'.
Hygroscopy is the ability of a substance to attract and hold water molecules from the surrounding environment through either absorption or adsorption with the absorbing or adsorbing material becoming physically 'changed,' somewhat: by an increase in volume, stickiness, or other physical characteristic of the material as water molecules become 'suspended' between the material's molecules in the process. (wikipedia)
The practical application of these properties comes in learning to manipulate the textures of baked goods without non-pronounceable ingredients. This week I created a super-moist beer bread loaf that I called, "Everything But The Farmer".
It contained: organic whole wheat pastry flour, Oklahoma free range eggs, beer, olive oil, carrot juice, local honey, organic onions, flamingo peppers (from Tom @ Webb City Market), pecorino Romano cheese, Italian herb mix, pink sea salt
What I learned was that I paired too many wet ingredients together without a drying ingredient and the result was even to the side of over moist. Cornmeal would have helped.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect time of year for the "introverts" to get thrown in the mix, as well. Pumpkin bread, apple breads, and all the rest. =D
